Influencer Marketing for Restaurants

Social Media Marketing Tips for Restaurants Owners in Dubai

With Instagram’s 1 billion active monthly users, only behind Facebook and YouTube, the social media platform is responsible for a significant number of daily conversations – both personal and commercial. A business that is not only smart but also wants to survive and thrive in today’s world, uses social media to remain afloat, amongst a sea of socially booming brands.

Profiles with ‘all you need to know’

  • Your social media profile IS your brand. When setting up a social media profile for your restaurant, it is important that your profile picture or cover image is attractive and inviting. However, regardless of how beautiful your feed is, or how yummy your food looks, your page will not see peak engagement nor will your restaurant see floods of customers, if the information on your profile is incomplete.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Restaurants OwnersInfluencers are your friends

  • When your reach may not be enough, get some help from the reach of others. Social media influencers are people with large or niche following and often partner with brands or companies that they like, to promote their products and services. If you’re looking to grow your social media profile and attract more customers, partnering with influencers is the way to go.

Influencer Marketing for Restaurants

Social media competitions and promotions

  • Another great way to drive traffic to your page is to run competitions and promotions through your social media. These can include limited time offers, competitions to win a free meal, or a gift card. Some businesses employ techniques such as sharing the page on Instagram stories, which in turn helps generate awareness.

Social media competitions for restaurants

Encourage user-generated content

  • Getting your followers engaged in creating content for you is a great strategy for you to generate content for your own page. To do so, establish a unique hashtag for your restaurant for your followers to reach you easily. This will also allow easy identification and growing awareness of your restaurant when they share their posts with their friends.

User Generated Content For Restaurant


If you’ve already done these, a foolproof way of growing your social media profile is to choose the right Public Relations and social media agency. POP Communications, a PR agency in Dubai, is a stellar agency, working closely, and personally, with each business it represents. POP Communications knows the needs of every client, and creates tailor-made campaigns for each client, to make them POP!