Is it Really Worth Buying Instagram Followers - Instagram Marketing Agency

Is it Really Worth Buying Instagram Followers?

Instagram is a great platform for sharing beautiful images, but let’s get down to business. Gaining followers are an extremely important and core part of Instagram marketing. Many accounts go down the honest route and invest in campaigns, post promotions or hiring a social media agency. But, there are always a couple of sour grapes in the patch who choose the riskier route instead, buying followers. If you’re a creature of instant satisfaction, you probably bought followers, but from a social media agency’s point of view? Let’s evaluate if it’s worth it.


Let’s talk about how it looks

It’s probably great for your page at first glance. When visitors see a large, well-established page, it makes you seem more credible, trustworthy, and a well-liked brand. However, for those who do their homework and care to look a bit closer, fake followers are extremely easy to spot, even to the average user’s eye. Once the fact that your brand has bought followers has been discovered, this can really hurt your public image. While you may have boosted your appeared-credibility in the beginning, being discovered as fraud can severely damage your brand’s reputation.

Spot fake Instagram Followers by Social Media Agency

Secondly, buying followers decreases your engagement. Your followers to likes and followers to comments ratio are impacted when you buy fake followers, as they do not engage. To other brands looking to work with you, this doesn’t look good, as it’s not optimally what one would be looking for in a brand to collaborate or partner with.


By choosing to buy followers, you are compromising your brand’s integrity and honestly, thus negatively impacting how your followers view your brand, products or service.